check out what we (Ridge) are up to this Christmas!
Do For One from Ridge Church on Vimeo.
pretty awesome & i can't wait for the next couple weekends of blessing these families! let me know if you want to help in some way.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Unexpected Christmas Store!
Ridge Church
Monday, November 28, 2011
all i want for Christmas (& my birthday)
Since 2008 i've joined up with Advent Conspiracy and leveraged my birthday & Christmas to provide clean water to villages who don't have it. the only presents i asked for was water for them & now we've been a part of building 3 wells in 3 different villages!
you can read my explanation of it HERE or just search "Advent Conspiracy" on my blog.
i'll probably do Advent Conspiracy or something like it for my birthday and Christmas the rest of my life. i have everything i'll ever need so no need to ask for presents.
BUT this year i'm doing something different.
"In lieu of" presents for me, i would simply love donations for my Mom's DOUBLE LUNG TRANSPLANT. you can read more about that HERE, but simply put - my Mom is about to have a Double Lung Transplant that will cost over $1 Million! her part to pay will be around $100,000 so we need all the help we can get!
if you were thinking of buying me a gift for my birthday at the end of the week (December 3rd) or for Christmas PLEASE just take that money you would have spent and donate it to my Mom's transplant!
you can donate by by contacting me OR click HERE. from my Mom's page on the National Foundation for Transplants you can click "Donate Today" and then fill out the info, but BE SURE to click the bubble that says "My gift is in honor of the following NFT patient's fundraising campaign" and then write EDITH MITCHELL in the blank.
that's my b-day & Christmas wish. thanks!
you can read my explanation of it HERE or just search "Advent Conspiracy" on my blog.
i'll probably do Advent Conspiracy or something like it for my birthday and Christmas the rest of my life. i have everything i'll ever need so no need to ask for presents.
BUT this year i'm doing something different.
"In lieu of" presents for me, i would simply love donations for my Mom's DOUBLE LUNG TRANSPLANT. you can read more about that HERE, but simply put - my Mom is about to have a Double Lung Transplant that will cost over $1 Million! her part to pay will be around $100,000 so we need all the help we can get!
if you were thinking of buying me a gift for my birthday at the end of the week (December 3rd) or for Christmas PLEASE just take that money you would have spent and donate it to my Mom's transplant!
you can donate by by contacting me OR click HERE. from my Mom's page on the National Foundation for Transplants you can click "Donate Today" and then fill out the info, but BE SURE to click the bubble that says "My gift is in honor of the following NFT patient's fundraising campaign" and then write EDITH MITCHELL in the blank.
that's my b-day & Christmas wish. thanks!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
personal spiritual momentum
(This was originally posted to renown on November 17, 2009.)
Yesterday was Catalyst One Day in Baltimore. Actually it was like the 5th Catalyst One Day this year with Andy Stanley and Craig Groeschel all around the country. I actually mentioned it before the 1st one here. It's basically 2 awesome talks from Andy, 2 awesome talks from Craig and then a Q&A time with both of them.
I didn't get to go in Baltimore yesterday, but I did listen to the entire conference audio from the one at North Point in ATL. It was awesome!
I just want to share a few things I walked away with from one of Craig Groeschel's talks at Catlayst One Day '09 = Creating and Sustaining Personal Spiritual Momentum
I felt like the talk was directly for me. I'm one of the peeps Craig talked about who = "So often (and with pure motives because we love Jesus) we try to do MORE than we were designed to do!"
*And stemming from that reality check this next "nifty" statement was the biggest thing I needed to hear. It's my main takeaway...
How do YOU create & sustain personal spiritual momentum?
Yesterday was Catalyst One Day in Baltimore. Actually it was like the 5th Catalyst One Day this year with Andy Stanley and Craig Groeschel all around the country. I actually mentioned it before the 1st one here. It's basically 2 awesome talks from Andy, 2 awesome talks from Craig and then a Q&A time with both of them.
I didn't get to go in Baltimore yesterday, but I did listen to the entire conference audio from the one at North Point in ATL. It was awesome!
I just want to share a few things I walked away with from one of Craig Groeschel's talks at Catlayst One Day '09 = Creating and Sustaining Personal Spiritual Momentum
I felt like the talk was directly for me. I'm one of the peeps Craig talked about who = "So often (and with pure motives because we love Jesus) we try to do MORE than we were designed to do!"
*And stemming from that reality check this next "nifty" statement was the biggest thing I needed to hear. It's my main takeaway...
"Do today what I can do today to enable me to do tomorrow what I can't do today."
Man, I so need to hear that on a regular basis. I am a futurist and can
see the end goal & just wanna get there all in 1 day. It's like my
wife - when she gets in "cleaning/house work mode" she wants to do a
whole year's worth of stuff in 1 Saturday... and I'm like, "baby, we can
only do 1 thing at a time..." I need to take my own advice sometimes.
So what can I do today (if I can't do it all)? Craig gave us all 4 suggestions:
1. Do something to defeat my dark side
2. Create Artificial Ministry Deadlines - this is a biggie for me, bkuz my dark side is working too much... I have to work hard to not let myself work all the time! Craig sharing his practices were so freeing for me... to hear that he makes himself stop working on a talk after a certain day. It's just done... no matter what.
3. Delegate what someone else can do - ***And "delegate authority not responsibility!"
"Delegating responsibility creates followers, but delegating authority creates leaders."
"You will not create or retain great leaders by telling them what to do/delegating responsibility."
4. Do something only you can do - like take time off, be a husband to my wife, and remain broken before God.
**This was awesome stuff for me! I hope it was beneficial for some of you leaders out there too!
Andy Stanley,
Thursday, November 24, 2011
i'm thankful for... (off the top of my head)
today (and every day) i'm thankful for...
a God Who is the greatest Thing in the universe & loves me and has invited me into the greatest mission and story imaginable.
an amazing wife who i don't deserve but who sticks by me no matter what & who is more beautiful than i ever imagined a girl being. the perfect mate. ("you complete me... kitchen matey")
a brand new baby daughter who has completely captured everything inside of me and has introduced me to new joys and spaces in my heart that i never even knew existed!
a Mom & Dad who are the greatest parents in the world. God knew what i needed when He hooked me up to be raised by them.
1 grandmother who is still alive and gets to meet her 1st great granddaughter tomorrow.
some really awesome friends who are almost like family in many ways - who care so much about me and love on me, cheer for me, stick with me
blessings and blessings like crazy. Somebody backed up the blessing truck and has been dumping them on me for 28 years.
the responsibility to BE a blessing with the blessings i've been given. the joy of blessing others.
this amazing creation all around me that overwhelms me with awe every time i look up... created for no other reason than for us to say "wow, that's beautiful. Whoever made that is pretty awesome."
some pretty darn cool in-laws who are now grandparents that love us like crazy.
limbs and sight and hearing and a voice (that can't sing well at all)
the ability to run, jump, play after a doctor said 8 years ago that i wouldn't do that stuff again
a job that i LOVE. it's a privilege to be a part of a movement that's so much bigger than me or anyone else and the fact that i get to do something i love every single day and actually get paid to do it. doesn't seem fair.
sabbath - when i get to take a break from that work i love. that act of just being/resting
all the really cool accents in the world
the Gospels
generous people
the team of people i get to work with. they are awesome. so much better than working with a team of people that aren't awesome.
2 cars that run. are you kidding me? how freaking rich are we?
a house and neighborhood and neighbors that are all really nice.
a God who is bringing this revolution that we and all of creation longs for.
the unstoppable vision birthed in my soul to launch a movement that will change the world & the vision that keeps coming and coming for how to create the beginnings
bloomin' onion sauce
the Psalms
Ridge Church - my church, this community of people on mission together in Charlotte.
a space like renown where i can flesh out my thoughts and try to make sense of what's inside my head
the BEAUTIFUL game
wise people
good stories
teams of amazing volunteers that i get to serve on mission with
passionate people
music (except country)
great t-shirts
the oceans
different cultures
the ability to express worship
things that are funny
the ability to learn
revolutionaries - past & present
hugs from my wife
comfy chairs
the technology for double lung transplants
the ability to pass through a day without it passing me by
...and the fact that it always wins
renown, the only thing that really matters. the only renown that can satisfy. the only true unending fame.
a God Who is the greatest Thing in the universe & loves me and has invited me into the greatest mission and story imaginable.
an amazing wife who i don't deserve but who sticks by me no matter what & who is more beautiful than i ever imagined a girl being. the perfect mate. ("you complete me... kitchen matey")
a brand new baby daughter who has completely captured everything inside of me and has introduced me to new joys and spaces in my heart that i never even knew existed!
a Mom & Dad who are the greatest parents in the world. God knew what i needed when He hooked me up to be raised by them.
1 grandmother who is still alive and gets to meet her 1st great granddaughter tomorrow.
some really awesome friends who are almost like family in many ways - who care so much about me and love on me, cheer for me, stick with me
blessings and blessings like crazy. Somebody backed up the blessing truck and has been dumping them on me for 28 years.
the responsibility to BE a blessing with the blessings i've been given. the joy of blessing others.
this amazing creation all around me that overwhelms me with awe every time i look up... created for no other reason than for us to say "wow, that's beautiful. Whoever made that is pretty awesome."
some pretty darn cool in-laws who are now grandparents that love us like crazy.
limbs and sight and hearing and a voice (that can't sing well at all)
the ability to run, jump, play after a doctor said 8 years ago that i wouldn't do that stuff again
a job that i LOVE. it's a privilege to be a part of a movement that's so much bigger than me or anyone else and the fact that i get to do something i love every single day and actually get paid to do it. doesn't seem fair.
sabbath - when i get to take a break from that work i love. that act of just being/resting
all the really cool accents in the world
the Gospels
generous people
the team of people i get to work with. they are awesome. so much better than working with a team of people that aren't awesome.
2 cars that run. are you kidding me? how freaking rich are we?
a house and neighborhood and neighbors that are all really nice.
a God who is bringing this revolution that we and all of creation longs for.
the unstoppable vision birthed in my soul to launch a movement that will change the world & the vision that keeps coming and coming for how to create the beginnings
bloomin' onion sauce
the Psalms
Ridge Church - my church, this community of people on mission together in Charlotte.
a space like renown where i can flesh out my thoughts and try to make sense of what's inside my head
the BEAUTIFUL game
wise people
good stories
teams of amazing volunteers that i get to serve on mission with
passionate people
music (except country)
great t-shirts
the oceans
different cultures
the ability to express worship
things that are funny
the ability to learn
revolutionaries - past & present
hugs from my wife
comfy chairs
the technology for double lung transplants
the ability to pass through a day without it passing me by
...and the fact that it always wins
renown, the only thing that really matters. the only renown that can satisfy. the only true unending fame.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
2 new lungs for my mom
There are people in life who never have many health problems. They live their whole lives without cancer or life-altering (or ending) diseases. they occasionally get sick, but nothing to speak of.
There are others who aren't so fortunate. Their lives are so affected by sickness and disease that those of us in the 1st category can't really imagine.

My Mom falls into the 2nd category. Since i have been alive she has been affected by pretty serious (and uncommon) lung diseases. i guess i didn't know much different as a kid because that's just the way it was.
Plus i don't think i have ever once heard my Mom complain. she just goes on living life and enjoying life to the fullest. which is awesome and i have crazy respect for her.
My Mom has been an awesome Mom too. She was full of love for me and helped raise me to be what i am today (which some may debate whether that's good or bad, but she only gets credit for the good). Her focus was always on being an awesome and loving Mom, not on being sick... so i guess i just always saw her as an awesome Mom.
i was probably at the end of high school or starting college before i realized that her lung diseases took an extra severe toll on her life. she was in the hospital a lot. i learned later that the specialist doctors were saying she shouldn't have been alive this long. (and that was 10 years ago.)
i'm thankful that God has been so good because i can't imagine life without my Mom.
but i can remember praying constantly from the time i was 3-4 years old that God would heal my Mom. that He would heal her disease so she could live a "normal" life. i prayed every single day before i think i even understood what it was to pray to God. (or maybe i understood even better back then than i do today?)
as i got older i can remember starting to pray for a miracle. a miraculous, supernatural healing because that's what the expert doctors said it would require. They said there was nothing they could ever do to make her better. her lungs were at something like a 20% capacity. they basically started saying she was on "borrowed time."
so i would pray that God would heal her. miraculously. That He would override nature & make her well. let her enjoy life without these diseases that make it almost impossible for her to breathe.
i think it's what all of us would want for someone we love. Especially for your Mom who has poured so much love and influence into you.
the idea of lung transplants had come up before but double lung transplants weren't even opitions back then. they weren't possible. the technology hadn't been developed yet.
but a few years ago they did start doing double lung transplants.
my Mom became a candidate.
she's gone through years and years of prep and tests, etc...
Back in the summer she and my Dad packed up and moved to Durham, NC to live next to Duke hospital to do months of pre-therapy to prepare for the double lung transplant.
3 weeks ago she was put on the double lung TRANSPLANT LIST.
wow. what a journey. for her a crazy journey that i'm sure she could tell you tons of stories about.
but the journey from my perspective:
from a little kid praying that God would do a miracle to heal my Mom... i never dreamed that science and medicine developing to this point would be the avenue God could use to heal my mom.
she can actually get NEW LUNGS. that's crazy to me!
on Monday we got the call that 2 lungs were on the way to Duke for my Mom! Crystal and i hustled to Duke hospital as fast as we could to see my Mom. it turned out the lungs weren't good for my Mom, so she's back to waiting now.
but literally any day she could get the call again and go in for this amazing transplant. just waiting now...
it's still in God's hands like it was the 1st day i ever prayed for a miracle 25 years ago.
*if you would like to donate to my Mom's transplant you can leave a comment and i will contact you or you can click HERE to donate to her campaign through the National Foundation for Transplants. (the double lung transplant costs over $1 million and her expenses will be $100,000.) You can also ask to join the "2 lungs for Edith" fan page on Facebook.
i'm crazy thankful for my Mom. i'm thankful i've experienced her love and joy and positive outlook on life.
There are others who aren't so fortunate. Their lives are so affected by sickness and disease that those of us in the 1st category can't really imagine.

My Mom falls into the 2nd category. Since i have been alive she has been affected by pretty serious (and uncommon) lung diseases. i guess i didn't know much different as a kid because that's just the way it was.
Plus i don't think i have ever once heard my Mom complain. she just goes on living life and enjoying life to the fullest. which is awesome and i have crazy respect for her.
My Mom has been an awesome Mom too. She was full of love for me and helped raise me to be what i am today (which some may debate whether that's good or bad, but she only gets credit for the good). Her focus was always on being an awesome and loving Mom, not on being sick... so i guess i just always saw her as an awesome Mom.
i was probably at the end of high school or starting college before i realized that her lung diseases took an extra severe toll on her life. she was in the hospital a lot. i learned later that the specialist doctors were saying she shouldn't have been alive this long. (and that was 10 years ago.)
i'm thankful that God has been so good because i can't imagine life without my Mom.
but i can remember praying constantly from the time i was 3-4 years old that God would heal my Mom. that He would heal her disease so she could live a "normal" life. i prayed every single day before i think i even understood what it was to pray to God. (or maybe i understood even better back then than i do today?)
as i got older i can remember starting to pray for a miracle. a miraculous, supernatural healing because that's what the expert doctors said it would require. They said there was nothing they could ever do to make her better. her lungs were at something like a 20% capacity. they basically started saying she was on "borrowed time."
so i would pray that God would heal her. miraculously. That He would override nature & make her well. let her enjoy life without these diseases that make it almost impossible for her to breathe.
i think it's what all of us would want for someone we love. Especially for your Mom who has poured so much love and influence into you.
the idea of lung transplants had come up before but double lung transplants weren't even opitions back then. they weren't possible. the technology hadn't been developed yet.
but a few years ago they did start doing double lung transplants.
my Mom became a candidate.
she's gone through years and years of prep and tests, etc...
Back in the summer she and my Dad packed up and moved to Durham, NC to live next to Duke hospital to do months of pre-therapy to prepare for the double lung transplant.
3 weeks ago she was put on the double lung TRANSPLANT LIST.
wow. what a journey. for her a crazy journey that i'm sure she could tell you tons of stories about.
but the journey from my perspective:
from a little kid praying that God would do a miracle to heal my Mom... i never dreamed that science and medicine developing to this point would be the avenue God could use to heal my mom.
she can actually get NEW LUNGS. that's crazy to me!
on Monday we got the call that 2 lungs were on the way to Duke for my Mom! Crystal and i hustled to Duke hospital as fast as we could to see my Mom. it turned out the lungs weren't good for my Mom, so she's back to waiting now.
but literally any day she could get the call again and go in for this amazing transplant. just waiting now...
it's still in God's hands like it was the 1st day i ever prayed for a miracle 25 years ago.
*if you would like to donate to my Mom's transplant you can leave a comment and i will contact you or you can click HERE to donate to her campaign through the National Foundation for Transplants. (the double lung transplant costs over $1 million and her expenses will be $100,000.) You can also ask to join the "2 lungs for Edith" fan page on Facebook.
i'm crazy thankful for my Mom. i'm thankful i've experienced her love and joy and positive outlook on life.
Monday, November 21, 2011
she's amazing
Keira is so amazing.
yesterday i just sat and held her for about 3 hours. i didn't do anything else. just looked at her. talked to her. watched her. it probably sounds boring and unproductive to you. unproductive? maybe. boring? nope. just the opposite. I LOVE THIS!
(i want to start video blogging all this a little more again...)
she is so WIDE EYED with wonder. all the time. i love that.
her eyes are so full of life and expectation. & i have this strong feeling inside of me of not wanting her to be disappointed. i want life to live up to those expectations.
she's always looking around everywhere at everything so interested. she's seeing and experiencing everything for the 1st time! it's crazy. and i'm getting to watch her see and experience everything for the 1st time. i look forward to doing that for years and years.
she's turning her head on a swivel. if she could turn it around backwards to look back there she definitely would.
i want her to explore that curiosity so bad - so i turn her around to help her see what's behind her.
it seems like she will have a lot to say when she is able to talk. i can just see it in her eyes.
and then she just falls asleep on my chest. and i just look at her. sometimes her arms and hands are draped around me.
and i just watch.
she's amazing. even her little fingers are amazing. yesterday i teared up just looking at her fingers. i know, i know, i'm a sap. but i couldn't help it.
she's just so amazing.
yesterday i just sat and held her for about 3 hours. i didn't do anything else. just looked at her. talked to her. watched her. it probably sounds boring and unproductive to you. unproductive? maybe. boring? nope. just the opposite. I LOVE THIS!
(i want to start video blogging all this a little more again...)
she is so WIDE EYED with wonder. all the time. i love that.
her eyes are so full of life and expectation. & i have this strong feeling inside of me of not wanting her to be disappointed. i want life to live up to those expectations.
she's always looking around everywhere at everything so interested. she's seeing and experiencing everything for the 1st time! it's crazy. and i'm getting to watch her see and experience everything for the 1st time. i look forward to doing that for years and years.
she's turning her head on a swivel. if she could turn it around backwards to look back there she definitely would.
i want her to explore that curiosity so bad - so i turn her around to help her see what's behind her.
it seems like she will have a lot to say when she is able to talk. i can just see it in her eyes.
she looks up into my eyes these days. and when she does, my heart does something it's never done before. it feels like it's never felt.
and then she just falls asleep on my chest. and i just look at her. sometimes her arms and hands are draped around me.
and i just watch.
she's amazing. even her little fingers are amazing. yesterday i teared up just looking at her fingers. i know, i know, i'm a sap. but i couldn't help it.
she's just so amazing.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
what do YOU call people when they sell you out?
(This was originally posted to renown on November 16, 2009 under the title "Friend, do what you came to do.")
wow. I read those words this morning and the floored me. I haven't gotten them out of my mind all day. (I've probably read them many times before, but for some reason today they grabbed me...)

I've been reading through the gospels over and over and over for a while. I was about to finish Matthew again this morning when I got knocked over by that phrase Jesus said.
It was when Judas came with his posse to betray Jesus. He says "W'sup Rabbi" & then kisses Him to greet Him and also point Him out. Then Jesus said it...
"FRIEND... do what you came to do."
Are you kidding me? FRIEND? Obviously Jesus knew what He was doing there. 1) because... well, He's Jesus & 2) because He straight up says "do what you came to do." so He know Judas is selling Him out.
And He still calls him friend. I couldn't help but think HOW DIFFERENT Jesus' response is compared to His followers' response when people wrong them. how different Jesus' response is from my response when peeps betray me, wrong me, sell me out, etc... I'm usually not calling them friend.
I think it's obvious that we don't follow Jesus in this kind of love because I grabbed a commentary on Matthew that happened to be nearby. It's a famous NT commentary from a famous commentator that most peeps would know if I said his name... He wrote for pages on this passage but NEVER ONCE said anything about how awesomely loving and kind and gracious it was for Jesus to call Judas "friend". He only talked about how those were the last words Judas heard Jesus say and how those words will ring in his ears while he's burning for an eternity in hell. hmmm... shows where we are as Christians I guess if that's our reaction.
but I just say -*What radical grace and love! I've been overwhelmed by it all day. What if I lived this way? What if ALL of us followers of Jesus lived this way? the way Jesus lived... what a novel idea.
Not to mention just across the page Jesus washed Judas' feet the night before he betrayed Him. Wrote a research paper on that one time and was also overwhelmed by Jesus' unconditional love for someone we would want to hate.
wow. I read those words this morning and the floored me. I haven't gotten them out of my mind all day. (I've probably read them many times before, but for some reason today they grabbed me...)

I've been reading through the gospels over and over and over for a while. I was about to finish Matthew again this morning when I got knocked over by that phrase Jesus said.
It was when Judas came with his posse to betray Jesus. He says "W'sup Rabbi" & then kisses Him to greet Him and also point Him out. Then Jesus said it...
"FRIEND... do what you came to do."
Are you kidding me? FRIEND? Obviously Jesus knew what He was doing there. 1) because... well, He's Jesus & 2) because He straight up says "do what you came to do." so He know Judas is selling Him out.
And He still calls him friend. I couldn't help but think HOW DIFFERENT Jesus' response is compared to His followers' response when people wrong them. how different Jesus' response is from my response when peeps betray me, wrong me, sell me out, etc... I'm usually not calling them friend.
I think it's obvious that we don't follow Jesus in this kind of love because I grabbed a commentary on Matthew that happened to be nearby. It's a famous NT commentary from a famous commentator that most peeps would know if I said his name... He wrote for pages on this passage but NEVER ONCE said anything about how awesomely loving and kind and gracious it was for Jesus to call Judas "friend". He only talked about how those were the last words Judas heard Jesus say and how those words will ring in his ears while he's burning for an eternity in hell. hmmm... shows where we are as Christians I guess if that's our reaction.
but I just say -*What radical grace and love! I've been overwhelmed by it all day. What if I lived this way? What if ALL of us followers of Jesus lived this way? the way Jesus lived... what a novel idea.
Not to mention just across the page Jesus washed Judas' feet the night before he betrayed Him. Wrote a research paper on that one time and was also overwhelmed by Jesus' unconditional love for someone we would want to hate.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
worst parent i've ever seen
This is the most disturbing video i have ever seen.
This is the worst parenting i have ever heard of in my life. what a POOR POOR kid. my heart BREAKS for him. i want to call social services!
we're figuring out our parenting philosophy with Keira and we don't have it all figured out but we will be the EXACT OPPOSITE of this parent!
(you can see our parenting philosophy on this subject HERE)
just watch this video and i hope it makes you as angry as it makes me.
i will be just the opposite of this horrible dad. Keira will LOVE the Yankees. she will HATE the Red Sox. Because the Red Sox is a horrible organization. they suck. they don't deserve to exist on earth. & because that's what Jesus would do. there is no other option.
we will make sure we parent better than that guy.
This is the worst parenting i have ever heard of in my life. what a POOR POOR kid. my heart BREAKS for him. i want to call social services!
we're figuring out our parenting philosophy with Keira and we don't have it all figured out but we will be the EXACT OPPOSITE of this parent!
(you can see our parenting philosophy on this subject HERE)
just watch this video and i hope it makes you as angry as it makes me.
i will be just the opposite of this horrible dad. Keira will LOVE the Yankees. she will HATE the Red Sox. Because the Red Sox is a horrible organization. they suck. they don't deserve to exist on earth. & because that's what Jesus would do. there is no other option.
we will make sure we parent better than that guy.
New York Yankees,
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
not a whole lot
not a whole lot of processed thoughts in my brain tonight... so how bout a political video.
i basically know jack about politics. i'm not one to talk about this kind of stuff because i basically get my news from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Twitter, and Daniel Tosh on Tosh.0
so i've never even heard of this guy below, but i think this is pretty hilarious. i'm sure if i've seen this then everyone else in America must have seen it by now.
not a political expert, but guessing this guy won't make it.
i basically know jack about politics. i'm not one to talk about this kind of stuff because i basically get my news from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Twitter, and Daniel Tosh on Tosh.0
so i've never even heard of this guy below, but i think this is pretty hilarious. i'm sure if i've seen this then everyone else in America must have seen it by now.
not a political expert, but guessing this guy won't make it.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Jim Collins told a great story about something his mentor, Peter Drucker, said to him when he was young and trying to make it in life.
i think it's something we all need to hear. (i only wish you could hear Collins' imitation of Drucker's German accent. uncanny.)
so, maybe you didn't even need that. but i definitely needed to hear it. hit me right where i'm at.
too much worrying and not enough of us making ourselves useful.
i think it's something we all need to hear. (i only wish you could hear Collins' imitation of Drucker's German accent. uncanny.)
"You spend a lot of time worrying if you will survive.
BAH. You probably will.
You spend a lot of time worrying if you will be successful.
BAH. You probably will be successful too.
Why don't you go out and make yourself useful."
so, maybe you didn't even need that. but i definitely needed to hear it. hit me right where i'm at.
too much worrying and not enough of us making ourselves useful.
personal development
Sunday, November 13, 2011
another reason why i blog
yesterday i posted again about why i write/blog. you can read that HERE.
but i guess there's a secondary reason why i write too. here's an example:
i was at Catlayst 2011 last month. hung out with lots of old friends and met lots of new ones. at one break i was walking up the stairs from my seat and this guy jumped out into my path and was like:
"hey, is your name Patrick?"
"do you write a blog called renown?"
"man, your blog is so impacting. wow. I read it all the time. SO great to meet you." as he shakes my hand.
Richie and i got to talk for a while. he sounds like a phenomenal leader. campus pastor at a really big church up in Chicago. sounds like he killing it up there, but he's crazy humble and nice. i would be proud if Richie is representative of the normal demographic of renown readers.
and i can't even explain how humbling it is in that moment to hear that something you've written has impacted someone in such a positive way. crazy humbling and eggs me on a bit to keep writing.
so, shout out to Richie, btw! God bless in your new position, bro.
that's just 1 tiny example. since i started renown and have been writing for a few years now i've heard back from tons of readers whose lives have changed and the world is becoming a different place = children have been sponsored, people have reconciled with their families, their pastors, their churches, & people have told me their lives have been impacted in so many different ways.
this isn't the only reason i write, but really encouraging. all for 1 renown.
but i guess there's a secondary reason why i write too. here's an example:
i was at Catlayst 2011 last month. hung out with lots of old friends and met lots of new ones. at one break i was walking up the stairs from my seat and this guy jumped out into my path and was like:
"hey, is your name Patrick?"
"do you write a blog called renown?"
"man, your blog is so impacting. wow. I read it all the time. SO great to meet you." as he shakes my hand.
Richie and i got to talk for a while. he sounds like a phenomenal leader. campus pastor at a really big church up in Chicago. sounds like he killing it up there, but he's crazy humble and nice. i would be proud if Richie is representative of the normal demographic of renown readers.
and i can't even explain how humbling it is in that moment to hear that something you've written has impacted someone in such a positive way. crazy humbling and eggs me on a bit to keep writing.
so, shout out to Richie, btw! God bless in your new position, bro.
that's just 1 tiny example. since i started renown and have been writing for a few years now i've heard back from tons of readers whose lives have changed and the world is becoming a different place = children have been sponsored, people have reconciled with their families, their pastors, their churches, & people have told me their lives have been impacted in so many different ways.
this isn't the only reason i write, but really encouraging. all for 1 renown.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
writing again...
i felt like i didn't write for a really long time. i guess technically i went about 2 weeks without writing here. but it felt like months and months. i felt like my soul was drying up when i wasn't writing.
now that i've been writing again - i feel alive again. it's amazing how much i NEED to do this for my own good.
i have a few hundred partially written "articles" stacked up just waiting to pour out onto this blog. i've got to get them out of me and onto "paper". below is what i wrote HERE back on August 19 about WHY I WRITE.
tomorrow i'll actually post about another reason why i write.
so why start a blog and write stuff pretty much every day?
great question & i'm glad you asked.
there are many answers to that question but the main reason is that I HAVE TO.
i got this phrase from Tony Morgan but it's from my heart 100%. seriously. i blog because i think stuff. (& i'm no expert, but i'm guessing Tony somewhat adapted it from Descartes or someone like that in the age of Reason or Rationalism or the Enlightenment ?)
What is YOUR outlet or avenue for processing all that stuff in YOUR brain?
now that i've been writing again - i feel alive again. it's amazing how much i NEED to do this for my own good.
i have a few hundred partially written "articles" stacked up just waiting to pour out onto this blog. i've got to get them out of me and onto "paper". below is what i wrote HERE back on August 19 about WHY I WRITE.
tomorrow i'll actually post about another reason why i write.
so why start a blog and write stuff pretty much every day?
great question & i'm glad you asked.
there are many answers to that question but the main reason is that I HAVE TO.
if i didn't write i think i would explode.
there just aren't enough people in the world to talk the things in my
head out with. and i've gotta talk things out... or write things out.
writing is the way i have to process all these thoughts, ideas, wrestlings, learnings, etc... in my brain.
i've got to have an outlet for it all. renown is that outlet. i can write about whatever i want or need to write about on renown.
This helps me grow. it's part of my development. writing makes me a better me. writing helps me make sense of me, of God, of the world, of what's next, etc...
i know i'm not a great writer. i never claimed to be and have never really attempted to be. i just write. i just crank it out. get it out of my brain and down on paper.
really, this blog is just for me. the fact that other people choose to read it is just an extra bonus i guess.
although ultimately, this blog is not for me. as the name implies, it's for a RENOWN bigger than mine. but not necessarily just
that people read it and are pointed toward that renown. although it's
awesome when that happens, it's secondary. Primarily, just the fact that
i have a place to write helps me become who i think God is trying to
mold me into for His renown.
so i don't think i'll ever stop writing. unless i stop having ideas and
thoughts and wrestling with stuff. and i hope that's not until after i'm
so i blog because... well, because i am. i think; therefore i blog.
i got this phrase from Tony Morgan but it's from my heart 100%. seriously. i blog because i think stuff. (& i'm no expert, but i'm guessing Tony somewhat adapted it from Descartes or someone like that in the age of Reason or Rationalism or the Enlightenment ?)
"I process what I believe and figure out who I am while I write. I think; therefore I blog." - Tony Morgan
Friday, November 11, 2011
a Good to Great TO DO list
Below is a TO DO List Jim Collins gave each of us at Catalyst '11. it is awesome if we follow it. These won't make a lot of sense without reading my previous 4 posts or hearing Collins' talk.
1 Go HERE and run the Good to Great diagnostic on you, your team, and your organization. This is a vital evaluation process.
2 Answer these Questions = how many seats do you have on your bus and what is your plan to have 100% of those seats filled with the right people in 1 year?
3 WHO will you allow to mentor me? Build a personal board of directors.
4 Get your personal HEDGEHOG right before it's too late. (a Good to Great principle = the coming together of your passion, design, and how you can make a difference.)
5 Once you have your Hedgehog, set your 20 mile march and stick to it! (Collins set weekly time goals.) What is your organization's 20 mile march?
6 Fire at least 6 new bullets by the end of the year. Navigate uncertainty with bullets.
7 Turn off electronic gadgets at least 2 days every 2 weeks. now that is a biggie! (it's impossible to "be present" with your iPhone in hand.) we need to be focused and gadgets rob us of our focs.
8 STOP Doing List. "True disciplined action is not what we choose to do, but what we choose not to do." *maybe you find it kind of ironic to have an item on your to do list that says "have a stop doing list" ? maybe humorous, but vital.
9 Double your reach to people half your age ALWAYS by changing your practices without changing your values.
10 Set a BHAG that makes you really useful. (big hairy audacious goal)
1 Go HERE and run the Good to Great diagnostic on you, your team, and your organization. This is a vital evaluation process.
2 Answer these Questions = how many seats do you have on your bus and what is your plan to have 100% of those seats filled with the right people in 1 year?
3 WHO will you allow to mentor me? Build a personal board of directors.
4 Get your personal HEDGEHOG right before it's too late. (a Good to Great principle = the coming together of your passion, design, and how you can make a difference.)
5 Once you have your Hedgehog, set your 20 mile march and stick to it! (Collins set weekly time goals.) What is your organization's 20 mile march?
6 Fire at least 6 new bullets by the end of the year. Navigate uncertainty with bullets.
7 Turn off electronic gadgets at least 2 days every 2 weeks. now that is a biggie! (it's impossible to "be present" with your iPhone in hand.) we need to be focused and gadgets rob us of our focs.
8 STOP Doing List. "True disciplined action is not what we choose to do, but what we choose not to do." *maybe you find it kind of ironic to have an item on your to do list that says "have a stop doing list" ? maybe humorous, but vital.
9 Double your reach to people half your age ALWAYS by changing your practices without changing your values.
10 Set a BHAG that makes you really useful. (big hairy audacious goal)
personal development
Thursday, November 10, 2011
creativity, innovation, & pioneering
i'm prepping to launch something. i'm going to pioneer something. it's a big grand vision. it could go splendidly awesome or it could be a complete bust. i have no idea.
so i perk up and pay special attention when gurus and experts like Jim Collins talk about STARTING something and about pioneering and innovation. (i perk up and listen when YOU talk about it too... promise.)
2 days ago i wrote about Collins' analogy for empirical creativity = fire bullets! and keep firing bullets until you hit the target. THEN shoot the cannon ball.
because if you fire the cannon ball 1st... *how many cannon balls can i fire with limited gun powder? (and that gun powder represents 100 different things)
SO, we need to test what we pioneer very carefully.
and fascinating thoughts around the whole idea of pioneering that i'd heard Jim say before...
very encouraging words for someone prepping to do what i'm prepping to do. (psych. as the kids used to say.)
so i perk up and pay special attention when gurus and experts like Jim Collins talk about STARTING something and about pioneering and innovation. (i perk up and listen when YOU talk about it too... promise.)
2 days ago i wrote about Collins' analogy for empirical creativity = fire bullets! and keep firing bullets until you hit the target. THEN shoot the cannon ball.
because if you fire the cannon ball 1st... *how many cannon balls can i fire with limited gun powder? (and that gun powder represents 100 different things)
SO, we need to test what we pioneer very carefully.
and fascinating thoughts around the whole idea of pioneering that i'd heard Jim say before...
*"Pioneering innovation is extremely important for society, but lethal for the innovator."
very encouraging words for someone prepping to do what i'm prepping to do. (psych. as the kids used to say.)
so being the pioneer on something is GOOD, but rarely works. the innovator dies off. but the thing may continue.
the thing is, i'm actually cool with that. i don't need my name on it. i'm gonna die off anyway. i'm more concerned that the mission continues.
which is good because 64% of pioneers "die" outright. i.e. - they don't see their innovation come through - although it does come through. (for example = the things Apple has "pioneered" failed for them. they were a bust. although that thing may be a success. the things Apple is successful with - they did not outright pioneer. interesting, eh?)
and we are ALL innovators. we are all creative. we create. we have ideas. some of us are even pioneers with that creativity.
BEFORE you try to argue with me and say you're not creative = think back to when you were 5 years old... we were all creatives when we were 5 years old! i promise you were. we were constantly creating when we were 5. it was natural.
somewhere along the way that maybe died off for you. it was suppressed by "the system" or by you personally. and now you're just disciplined but not creative.
back when we were 5 we were all creative but none of us were disciplined.
"Marrying creativity to discipline makes creativity come alive!"
- Jim Collins
and that is 1 of the greatest secrets i've ever heard. MARRY them. that's key. it's the only way. (i've got pages and pages of thoughts on this i just can't wait to drop out here.) What if SPACE for CREATING were built right into your 20 mile march? (wow is what.)
basically we need to marry the 5 year old US and the 25 or 35 or 45 year old US. disciplined in our creativity and creatively disciplined.
then there will be more innovation. more PROBLEMS being solved. the world will keep changing. there will be more PIONEERS.
and i promise - if the thing/mission you pioneer is WORTH DOING and IT succeeds, but you don't - it's ok.
if it's worth doing then just do it.
personal development
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
straight butta
"straight butta" is what we used to call something back in the day that was just amazing. it was so smooth and "pimp" that only the phrase "straight butta" would suffice to describe it's awesomeness.
so this stuff below from Jim Collins' talk at Catalyst '11 a few weeks ago is straight butta. my last couple (and the next) blogs have been thoughts from that talk and these thoughts below are the random ones that don't really fit into a topic.
so the topic for these thougths is "straight butta" - because that's what they are.
ya feel me?
The signature of mediocrity is Chronic Inconsistency!
This is true when you look at areas of your life or organizations across the world. Chronic inconsistency (or i would be witty and say consistent inconsistency) can be found in the mediocre leaders and organizations everywhere you look.
Collins says that VALUES are what can remain consistent. only VALUES endure. therefore, the bottom line from his 1st book (which is really a SEQUEL to Good to Great), Built to Last, is "Preserve the Core AND Stimulate Progress."
*which is what missional churches and contextualizing "missionaries" have been trying to do for hundreds of years.
The KEY is understanding the difference between practices and values. Change 1, never the other.
never changing values but ever changing practices can make something enduring and great!
wow - that feels like a direct address to churches & missional people. it feels as though it applies to us twice as much as business organizations. unfortunately, we're pretty bad at it.
Collins once asked the famed Peter Drucker (who happened to be Collins' mentor) which of his 26 books he was most proud of? - Drucker answered, "The next one." [i love that]
Andy Stanley interviewed Collins (again) at the end of his talk. he mainly talked about the difference between RIGOROUS and RUTHLESS cultures. especially as it relates to people in the seats on the bus (in our orgs) / firing people who don't need to be on our bus/ moving people who are in the wrong seat.
A rigorous culture is all about service to the cause. We make big RIGOROUS decisions for the sake of the cause - the sake of the mission. we should ask the question "what REALLY is compassion in this situation?" many times, firing is the most compassionate (yet hardest) thing we could do.
because if someone is failing in a seat, they're not in their Hedgehog (a Good to Great idea) - so helping them is getting them out of that seat. fast.
well, i wrote a lot more random thoughts into this "straight butta" article, BUT they just developed into blogs all by themselves. so, tomorrow i'll share some more "straight butta" Collins had to share on CREATIVITY.
so this stuff below from Jim Collins' talk at Catalyst '11 a few weeks ago is straight butta. my last couple (and the next) blogs have been thoughts from that talk and these thoughts below are the random ones that don't really fit into a topic.
so the topic for these thougths is "straight butta" - because that's what they are.
ya feel me?
The signature of mediocrity is Chronic Inconsistency!
This is true when you look at areas of your life or organizations across the world. Chronic inconsistency (or i would be witty and say consistent inconsistency) can be found in the mediocre leaders and organizations everywhere you look.
Collins says that VALUES are what can remain consistent. only VALUES endure. therefore, the bottom line from his 1st book (which is really a SEQUEL to Good to Great), Built to Last, is "Preserve the Core AND Stimulate Progress."
*which is what missional churches and contextualizing "missionaries" have been trying to do for hundreds of years.
The KEY is understanding the difference between practices and values. Change 1, never the other.
never changing values but ever changing practices can make something enduring and great!
wow - that feels like a direct address to churches & missional people. it feels as though it applies to us twice as much as business organizations. unfortunately, we're pretty bad at it.
Collins once asked the famed Peter Drucker (who happened to be Collins' mentor) which of his 26 books he was most proud of? - Drucker answered, "The next one." [i love that]
Andy Stanley interviewed Collins (again) at the end of his talk. he mainly talked about the difference between RIGOROUS and RUTHLESS cultures. especially as it relates to people in the seats on the bus (in our orgs) / firing people who don't need to be on our bus/ moving people who are in the wrong seat.
A rigorous culture is all about service to the cause. We make big RIGOROUS decisions for the sake of the cause - the sake of the mission. we should ask the question "what REALLY is compassion in this situation?" many times, firing is the most compassionate (yet hardest) thing we could do.
because if someone is failing in a seat, they're not in their Hedgehog (a Good to Great idea) - so helping them is getting them out of that seat. fast.
well, i wrote a lot more random thoughts into this "straight butta" article, BUT they just developed into blogs all by themselves. so, tomorrow i'll share some more "straight butta" Collins had to share on CREATIVITY.
personal development,
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
3 traits in great leaders
those 3 traits of great leaders (according to Jim Collins) are:
you can catch up on the 1st trait in yesterday's post HERE. + you have to read that 1st post to understand the framework story used to show these 3 traits = the 2 teams and their leaders racing to the South Pole.
When most leaders are unsure or in a time of chaos - they don't know what to do so they just do what others are doing/have done in the past. that's our natural response as average and even good leaders.
great leaders figure out how to marry their creativity with empirical data = combine their creativity with what is PROVEN to work (not just what others are doing/have done). make sense?
they work hard to figure out what WORKS. maybe it's not the most popular method... in fact it's probably not or else we wouldn't be in the time of chaos or season of being unsure.
i would prefer to call this CREATIVE PRAGMATISM. Jim's phrase sounds smarter, but mine makes more sense to me.
it's the realization that i am NOT smart enough to outsmart this, but there are people with empirical, practical evidence.
and then you make your move based on this empirical, creative pragmatism.
and looking in from the outside - the moves these leaders make may appear to be rash, crazy, BOLD decisions... but they are simply creative decisions based on the empirical evidence of what works.
and i LOVE Collins' analogy around this - it is EXTREMELY relevant to me in this moment of my life. he said it's like a ship back in the day at war on the open seas with another ship.
they can straight up fire a couple cannon balls to blow up the other ship -- but if their aim is off just a few degrees... and they miss... well, they're out of gun powder. you only have enough "powder" to fire a few cannon balls.
so, the better way is to fire bullets. test shots. get the right trajectory and then fire the cannon ball with all that gun powder you still have left.
try with a little. and again. and again. then you hit the mark... THEN go big. that's empirical creativity.
in an uncertain world you really do have to be prepared for what you can't predict.
These great leaders are always sitting around wondering "what if" -- while channeling that energy into being PRODUCTIVE!
(most of us do just the opposite = paranoia & "what if" wondering paralyzes us and we do nothing.)
the team who actually made it to the South Pole put out 10 mile wide black markers at every depot stop! and you better believe they didn't miss a single one. THAT is productive paranoia.
(the other team just put a flag on top of the depot itself. they all died.)
some famous guy, CEO of a company - can't even remember who, but he had an awesome quote = "We predicted 11 of the last 3 recessions." = again, THAT is productive paranoia. that company was OK in every single recession. they're still doing fine. (wish i could remember who it was?)
they were being (some might say) OVERLY paranoid. but it was productive paranoia, so they put plans in place and they have been OK in every single recession.
so, the GREAT leaders have Fanatic Discipline, Empirical Creativity, and Productive Paranoia.
i have a lot to still be developed in me. how are YOU doing with these 3 in YOUR leadership?
tomorrow i'll post more leadership takeaways from Collins & on Thursday i'll post the 10 point TO DO list he gave all of us!
tomorrow i'll post more leadership takeaways from Collins & on Thursday i'll post the 10 point TO DO list he gave all of us!
personal development
Monday, November 7, 2011
20 mile march'n it again...
One of my last posts before Keira was born was this below - my thoughts from Jim Collins' awesome talk at Catalyst 2011. i was going to post the rest of my thoughts on it the next week, but Keira had other plans. that was about 3 weeks ago now! so i'm reposting the 1st one below and i'll follow up with the rest tomorrow.
diving back into my 20 mile marches myself, so this is good for me to dive back into & keep writing tomorrow...
when it comes to greatness there are 3 inherent traits that set GREAT leaders apart from the others...
& These are according to Jim Collins' STELLAR talk at Catalyst '11 last week. (and probably from his newest book Greatness is a Choice)
i'll just give you those big 3 traits straight up & then explain what he was talking about as we go:
diving back into my 20 mile marches myself, so this is good for me to dive back into & keep writing tomorrow...
when it comes to greatness there are 3 inherent traits that set GREAT leaders apart from the others...
& These are according to Jim Collins' STELLAR talk at Catalyst '11 last week. (and probably from his newest book Greatness is a Choice)
i'll just give you those big 3 traits straight up & then explain what he was talking about as we go:
The story and framework he chose to build this talk around was a study
of the 2 teams who were in a race to make it to the South Pole back in
the early 1900s. the leader whose team made it exemplified each of these
3 traits. the leader whose team all DIED did not.
each leader and each team faced the SAME environment and the SAME
circumstances... one made it and one DIED. these 3 traits made the
difference... and they make the difference in a long line of Great vs.
Good leaders and Great vs. Good organizations.
Here is a little more context and discussion around these 3:
Jim told a (made up) story as a GREAT example of this trait. Let's say
there are 2 guys who are going to walk from the California coast all the
way across the country to the East coast of Maine. that's a long walk.
they both set out on the same day.
The 1st guy sets a pace for himself of 20 miles per day. he is committed to his 20 mile march.
he is fanatically disciplined about it. the 1st day he walks 20 miles.
the 2nd day he walks 20 miles. the 3rd day he completes 20 miles and is
tempted to keep going... he feels good, the sun is still up, he can
probably walk 40. but nope. he sticks to the 20 mile march. he hits
Colorado and there is snow all over the ground and he wakes up early and
wants to sleep in inside his tent... but he does his 20 mile march. no
matter what. fanatic discipline.
he makes it to Maine.
The other guy just gets after it. he walks 40 miles the 1st day. then
blazes ahead for 57 miles on the 2nd day! he's dead tired on the 3rd day
so he just sleeps in and lays around all day knowing that he can make
up the ground later. he hits the snow in Colorado exhausted and takes a 3
week break to let the weather clear up. he hits the trail again and
does 60 miles, but can barely walk the next day. he never makes it to
the team who made it to the South Pole had a 20 mile march and their leader made them stick to it no matter what.
THAT is fanatic discipline.
and that is what i need.
for those of you familiar with Good to Great, this is a repackaging of the FLYWHEEL principle.
my main takeaway = i desperately need to KNOW
what my 20 mile march is. i'm going to spend the time and the hard
effort to land on the right 20 mile march for every area of my life and
then i'm going to freaking hit it every single time... no matter what!
we'll talk about the other 2 traits in the coming days, but for now - anybody know their 20 mile march?
personal development
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
mixing it in
my introduction into daddy world has been an awesome 2 week ride. it's been fun updating all of you via writing about our experiences with Keira + the pics and videos.
i wanted to say thanks for all of your congrats and support through the numerous social media outlets.
i fully plan to keep writing about this new world of parenting, our amazing daughter, and plan on frequent video blogs starring Keira...
i'll also get back to some "normal" posts too. starting this week. probably sprinkled in with the posts about Keira.
looking forward to it all...
i wanted to say thanks for all of your congrats and support through the numerous social media outlets.
i fully plan to keep writing about this new world of parenting, our amazing daughter, and plan on frequent video blogs starring Keira...
i'll also get back to some "normal" posts too. starting this week. probably sprinkled in with the posts about Keira.
looking forward to it all...
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