Friday, April 9, 2010

quotes of the week #23

"Quotes of the Week" are back! You can read what Quotes of the Week are HERE in the 1st one.

This is the 23rd Quotes of the Week after a few special editions were included.
And now they're all tagged! "quotes of the week" is it's own category that you can pull up down in the "BY TOPIC" section on the bottom right side of this blog. (or click HERE.)

so, here we go with the #1 Quote of the Week:
“I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.”Jim Carrey, actor & funny man

“Yes, the church does have a mission. But it is better to say that God's mission has a church.” – Ed Stetzer, missiologist & author [right on! we (the Church) really need to "get" this!!!]

“Dramatic change is perceived as a threat to the status quo, primarily because it is.”Phyllis Tickle, author and former religion editor for Publisher's Weekly

“I believe that God's resources flow to us so that they can flow through us... not so we can live in a self-absorbed reality.” – Chris Brown, my pastor and mentor
"Funny isn't the opposite of serious but the opposite of not funny." - G.K. Chesterton, late great theologian and author

“When men let you down, the Lord never does.  Sometimes we preach about living by faith; other times God asks us to actually do it.” – Dan Burrell, my former pastor & boss [and a man in the middle of living out that quote]

“The problem isn’t that they stumble over the cross. The problem is that they stumble on the attitudes of some Christians and on the Christian subculture that we have put in their way before they can even get to the cross.” – Dan Kimball, pastor & author

“This is not to suggest that we will build God’s kingdom on earth. It is not ours to inaugurate, but we can help make it more visible, more tangible; we can initiate approximations of God’s coming reign.” – David J. Bosch, the brilliant South African theologian, missiologist, & author
“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become reality. I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.MLK, late pastor and leader of the modern civil rights movement

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