Monday, July 13, 2009

STICKY @ Ridge

I told you that you didn't want to miss Ridge Church yesterday! (& that you didn't want to be late!)

We started our brand new series - Sticky By Design & it was crazy fun! There are a few pics here from the stage set... & yes, those are ALL sticky notes. Rusty created that with individual sticky notes. It looked bangin'!

Chris' talk was awesome - some things stick & other things don't. Environments are a big part of making things stick. You can listen to it HERE.

We also played a fun game = "Songs that Stick" & throughout the day the band rocked SEVERAL sticky songs... songs that stick in your head all day long. So, yesterday at church included:
The Top Gun Anthem
(along with clips from one of the greatest movies of all time)
Eye of the Tiger
- Survivor
Smells Like Teen Spirit
- Nirvana
- Hanson (you read that right! worst song ever to stick in your head!)
Sweet Home Alabama
- Lynyrd Skynyrd

Mindie was the contestant & did pretty well. She won 2 bottles of Sticky Fingers bbq sauce & some Ridge sticky notes... not a bad morning.

So, if you weren't there you missed all that fun!
The worship set was awesome too = We Stand (Lee McDerment), Salvation is Here (Hillsong), & Jesus Paid It All (Kristian Stanfill).

Next week is part 2 & is going to be just as much fun. ANOTHER sticky game... but of course I can't tell you what it is. You'll have to BE THERE.
Go ahead and plan to be there. You don't want to have to hear about it on Monday morning again!

I'll leave you with the title package Rusty made for the series...

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