Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the phenomenon of NOUNVERBS

[nounverbs are not to be confused with Knowdaverbs - which if you remember "The Syllabus" you are TRULY old school.]

Some might think that I have a brash disregard for the proper use of the English language & that is totally not true. I just enjoy creating new words & especially new variations of existing words. I don't care if they're in the dictionary or not... if it serves a purpose, then let's use the word.
There are a lot of current phenomenons in language that are very intriguing to me, but I just want to bring up 1 of these today. The phenomenon of turning nouns (especially Proper Nouns) into verbs... especially in the realm of social media!

Do you know what I'm talking about? Probably the most popular example is GOOGLE. Everybody uses Google to look up basically everything. Google is a proper noun but it's very common for most people to say stuff like "have you googled it yet?/ hey, the other day I googled silly string..." etc... So, the proper noun "Google" became a verb BECAUSE it's easier to say "google it" than to say "why don't you go to http// and type in what you want to know more about." Right?

Now, in regards to social media, I hear & say stuff like this all the time. "Yeah, I facebooked him yesterday." = in other words, "I wrote him a message/posted on his wall on his facebook page." Everyone knows what you mean because it's become part of our culture and language.

Or "Dude, you've got to youtube it!" = search for a youtube video of "it". Youtube is the proper noun but we use it as a verb ALL THE TIME in this way.

"The other day I was twittering & saw that one of my friends twittered something really funny." = Twitter being the proper noun/website where you write what you're currently doing. SOOO... really "writing what you are currently doing" can be known as "twittering." [see how much more efficient this stuff is? it's way shorter & saves time.] the other day I even used this one that I may have made up? "Hey, Crystal, check this that so&so twitpic'd." = I wanted her to see a picture someone linked on twitter/twitpic.

This is currently true = "This morning I am blogging." = technically I am writing on my weblog, but blogging is a more than acceptable verb these days in the social media world [and WAY shorter to say... like 3 words shorter].

I doubt I made this one up, but I am constantly telling my wife that I will "iTunes it" = she hears a song that she likes & wants to know the song title and/or maybe buy it on iTunes so I search for it/ iTunes it.

have you heard this one = "I'll friendquest you when I get home." = which basically means - "nice to meet you. You're on facebook right? well, when I get home I'll look you up on there and send you a friend request." It will be mainstream very soon.

And of course we could go ON & ON & ON & ON because I love this kind of stuff & I'll probably write more about this in the future... but, I want to hear from YOU! Ok, this should be fun.

[oh, and just out of curiousity, would ANYONE have any idea what I'm talking about if I said/sang "luv is a verb" ??? haha, tell me if you do. & if you don't, maybe you could youtube it! but don't judge all of us that remember it & thought it was cool.]


ethan welch said...

ok man, i got one. how 'bout..."I just 'texted' my friend because I didn't want to get into a long conservation."

Yes!! I thought of one!

patrick mitchell said...

dude, i'm not sure that one really works bkuz it's already a verb. but idk, maybe you're right?
BUT any type of "conservation" is just long by nature... maybe you didn't want to get into a long "conversation"?
haha - have fun in ohio, bro