Thursday, May 13, 2010

leadership coaching (thoughts)

i'm getting way behind on posting and processing my thoughts on takeaways from the leadership coaching network i'm in with Tony Morgan. You can read more about it HERE.
(i have several thoughts i want to post soon from the past couple months with Tony... i'm learning a lot of great stuff from him.)

*i want to learn and grow and implement these important principles and strategies i'm learning about leadership. i want to put them into action.
here's what i'm thinking about from the last time we met = structure and staffing. we're in a season of change and growth at Ridge so this is a constant conversation and thought process right now... especially within family ministries.
So, we must constantly structure and hire based on what God’s called us to do and our strategy.
*i love that Tony backs up what Andy always says about structure = Who is at the lead team meeting is not based on their ROLE, but based on their LEADERSHIP CAPACITY! *Don’t have a structure that keeps the best voices out of the room!
**i posted a few blogs on thoughts from what Andy has to say about this. it's brilliant! you can read my thoughts on that HERE and HERE!
you want peeps at the table who have a global/holistic view of the ministry (no matter their role). Big picture peeps.    

*Tony laid out a good challenge to find kid's ministry leaders who don't like kids! Because they need to be LEADERS who lead adults... not necessarily gifted with kids. i think we do a great job of this at Ridge. There are several leadership positions in kid's ministry that just desperately calls for talented leaders, not necessarily talented kid's people. i think we're rocking this challenge.

Great thought from John Maxwell on leading leaders. Just say to them - “Here’s the address. Here’s the keys. See you there.” – equip, empower, & then let go. [easier said than done, but way easier with good leaders.]

i'm liking the suggestion that between 5-8 direct reports is probably the most you should have at any 1 time. 8 seems like a lot... my capacity might need to stop at the perfect number of 7. But i'll take it a step further and say that everyone (even volunteers) all the way down the organization should probably follow this rule of 7. (everyone leads a few!) nobody should be leading like 10 or 12 people! (not for long anyway.)

*i know our structure and the roles people fill has to allow them to play to their strengths at least 80% of the time! we've got to figure out how to be a better job at this!

*i think this is a good suggestion = in the early days, hire all leaders and no specialists or support staff. you don't have enough room (or $) for them early on. the focus has to be on leaders. then as the church/organization grows, that can shift into hiring more support staff (assistants) and specialists, etc... i really like this and think there is a lot of wisdom in it.

OK, i'm going to cut it off there, but within 24 hours i'll post my thoughts on 10 principles on staffing. great stuff coming...
*i'm actually in Atlanta again right now for this leadership coaching 1st thing in the morning. looking forward to it! (+ really thankful to my awesome friend and host Andy Jones for letting me crash on his couch. always good conversations with this guy...)

1 comment:

Small Business Leadership Coaching said...

The main goals of this Small Business Leadership Coaching is to become a leader that people will look up to and respect means you have to know and understand your strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots. Armed with this knowledge and the capacity to change, you will make better decisions that produce positive results, not just for yourself, but also for the people you lead as well as your business. You will learn to create greater meaning and purpose in the workplace. You will motivate yourself and your employees to perform better and to provide better services for clients and customers.

Small Business Leadership Coaching