Friday, July 25, 2008

RENOWN - the 100th!

What a momentous occasion... the 100th blog on Renown.

I've been thinking for the past couple weeks about what I could write on this 100th post. I asked myself - "I wonder if people even know what 'renown' means?" I've never really explained/defined it here. It's definitely not a word you hear everyday, but I'm hoping this blog might help bring it into mainstream culture.

Patrick's humble definition: Renown = unending fame; unmatched glory.

Renown is fame that will never, ever fade away. Lasting memory. Ultimate glory.

Renown is the enduring, non-fading fame that belongs to God alone. Seriously, who or what else really has true renown??? Nothing else can, ever has, or ever will. Because as "famous" as anything or anyone else could be - that fame will eventually fade away... the applause will end... their name will be forgotten! God is the ONLY ONE who has true renown. We know He is the most famous & His fame covers the universe and will never end. So, anytime the word "renown" is even mentioned it can only apply to God. (hence the title of this blog...)
Louie has by far been the biggest influence on my understanding of God's renown. So, props & credit to him for many of my thoughts and understanding of this. Louie says we should "leverage all we have and are for the name of the One who embodies lasting glory."
YES! And that's what I'm all about. I pray that millions will embrace this mission. Honestly, what else is there to live for? EVERY other name, EVERY other story is fading... it won't last. IT ENDS. Why spend our years on that? What a waste.

We all live in the story of a great and limitless God and I just want to play my small role as I humbly attempt to amplify God's lasting renown. In my opinion there's nothing else to live for.
I want to spend every second of my life for His renown until every single human on earth hears the greatest story about a matchless GLORIOUS God.
So, that's what RENOWN is all about. That's what this blog is attempting to be all about. Much MUCH more to come on this subject in the future. Happy 100th to renown! peace...
(Some time today check out Psalm 19:1-4)

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