It's U2's brand new album = No Line On the Horizon. YOU can still download it from Amazon for only $3.99 if you click HERE. that deal will be gone soon!
I've been stoked about this release since January! Tour Dates/Sites release MONDAY!!! oh yeah! can't wait! Seeing U2 live has been on my bucket list. my wife too. so, we both decided we're gonna do whatever it takes to see them on this tour (who knows how much longer they'll be around?) - so, we're REALLY excited about that & hope we can get good seats (& I hope they come to Charlotte again).
Ok, let's get to it - I'm so stoked to talk about these songs that are quickly becoming my favorites of all time. (Make sure you make it to the bottom song = Magnificent... it's a pretty amazing worshipful expression about our lives being to simply worship our MAGNIFICENT GOD!)
Here are my thoughts:
I can stand up for hope, faith, love
But while I’m getting over certainty
Stop helping God across the road like a little old lady
Oh, oh, Out from under your beds
C’mon, ye people - Stand up for your love
Love love love love love
Love love love love love
I gotta stand up to ego but my ego’s not really the enemy
It’s like a small child crossing an eight lane highway
On a voyage of discovery
And I love this line later in the song: "God is love and love is evolution's very best day."
All the lyrics to this song are so brilliant... You have to AT LEAST buy this one!
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight = might be my 2nd fav song on the whole record. It's just an awesome, happy, fun song. Reminds me of Beautiful Day a little bit... remember that one from back in the day? I think I like this one even better. This tune will be in my head for months... I love it! especially the end of that chorus = "but I know I'll go crazy if I don't go crazy tonight". Below is my favorite part of the song.
Every generation gets a chance to change the world
Pity the nation that won’t listen to your boys and girls
‘Cos the sweetest melody is the one we haven’t heard
Is it true that perfect love drives out all fear
The right to appear ridiculous is something I hold dear
Oh, but a change of heart comes slow
It’s not a hill, it’s a mountain
As you start out the climb
Listen for me, I’ll be shouting
We’re gonna make it all the way to the light
But I know I’ll go crazy if I don’t go crazy tonight
Unknown Caller = This song is DEEP... spriritually deep. but we'll get to that later. it reminds me of the old school U2 I fell in love with. with the "ooooh oooohoh"s.
This song is amazing lyrically. It's like an intimate conversation between Bono & God that is full of meaning. This song is BRILLIANT. It's like Bono's call from God... it's his conversion/life-changing experience!
"Hear Me. Cease to speak that I may speak. Shush now."
The verses are Bono's thoughts and then God speaking to him in the chorus. But Bono brings it into the 21st century with MAC lingo "Force Quit" = you only have to use this on a MAC when a program is spinning out of control as the verses indicate Bono's life was so God tells him to:
Force Quit and Move to Trash
Restart and re-boot yourself
You’re free to go Oh, oh
Shout for joy if you get the chance Oh, oh
Hear me, cease to speak that I may speak
Shush now Oh, oh
Then don’t move or say a thing
& then Bono actually does cease to speak. I think the band simply tries to create an instrumental worship experience while the listener simply meditates on the amazing and radical life change God has just orchestrated...
*BREATHE* = I love Breathe. It's a great song. verses are like a rock ballad and the choruses are classic U2. I love how in a song called "Breathe", Bono goes so fast that he gets out of breath like on the word "Cockatoo" in the 1st verse... I know there's brilliance in there somewhere!
Every day I die again, and again I’m reborn
Every day I have to find the courage
To walk out into the street
With arms out
Got a love you can’t defeat
Neither down nor out
There’s nothing you have that I need
I can breathe/ Breathe now
Walk out into the street
Sing your heart out
The people we meet
Will not be drowned out
Walk out, into the sunburst street
Sing your heart out, sing my heart out
I’ve found grace inside a sound
I found grace, it’s all that I found
And I can breathe/ Breathe now
I love it! - I can at least relate to Bono in that I'm an eternal OPTIMIST & love to walk out in the street (whatever circumstances surround me) & "sing my heart out." One of my fav things to do!
No Line On the Horizon = of course the title track is awesome! vintage Bono at his finest. Great vocals... haven't figured out the lyrics yet though other than there is NO LIMIT to something he's singing about?... I'm sure there's some awesome meaning in there somewhere though.
Get On Your Boots = the song that was a hit before the album released. So, I'm sure you've heard it 10 times already. It took a while to grow on me, but now I LOVE it!!! There is some crazy deep meaning in this song. Not sure if it is talking about women everywhere standing up for African women and helping them... or what? But I feel pretty confident it's a call for woment to "Get on your boots" & stand up & go for it. Lots of social justice overtones in here... This is a pimp song for sure.
Love & community/ Laughter is eternity if the joy is real
That’s someone’s stuff they’re blowing up
We’re into growing up
Women of the future Hold the big revelations
I got a submarine You got gasoline
I don’t want to talk about wars between nations
Not right now
Moment of Surrender = Great song. Haven't had time to figure it out yet? still very moving even without the full concept of it.
Magnificent = Maybe the most amazing God-centered lyrics on the whole album! Pretty amazing! Check 'em out:
I was born/ I was born to be with you...
Only love, only love can leave such a mark But only love, only love can heal such a scar
I was born/ I was born to sing for you
I didn't have a choice but to lift you up
And sing whatever song you wanted me to
I give you back my voice From the womb my first cry, it was a joyful noise
Only love, only love can leave such a mark
But only love, only love can heal such a scar
Justified till we die, you and I will magnify
The Magnificent
(no debating here about WHO he's singing about! Right on, Bono!)
The few other songs on the record are good too - just not as good as these ones above in my opinion!
So, have YOU heard it yet? Have you listened to it 50 times like me?
got my Amazon download today. thanks for telling me it was so cheap!! moment of surrender. love it.
no problem man. glad you're enjoying it.
i like "moment of surrender"... it's def. a really catchy one that sticks in your head!
wait til those other ones grow on you though.
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