Peter is the young boy that Crystal and I have the awesome privilege to support through Compassion International. Make sure you go read a little more about Peter & Compassion here. That's where I wrote about him on one of my very 1st blogs.

our "adopted orphan" - the only kind we can afford for now. We'd love
to "really" adopt an orphan in Africa one day, but for now we send
support to him each month and Compassion
makes sure he has plenty of food, clean water, health care, education,
AIDS prevention and help for his brothers & sisters, a place to
sleep, and they also make sure he hears the amazing stories about Jesus.
I went to the mailbox this past weekend and pulled out a letter from
Peter. (He writes to us every 2-3 months.) It's always really exciting
when we get a letter from him. I was stoked, but I had to wait on
Crystal to get back because we always read them together. As soon as we
opened it we could tell that he wrote it himself!
This is the 1st letter from him that he actually wrote with his own
hands. He is only 5, so a translator had to write it for him up until
now! Looks like that $ is paying off as he has already learned to write
REALLY well! Really well for a 5 year old anyway as there were a few
backwards letters and misspellings, but not too bad. I thought I would
share some of the letter with you guys:
are you. I hope you are fine. I am also doing great because of the
Lord. How was your Easter? Mine was great. I went to church and learnt about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Thank you very much for your continued support and the gift you sent to me. I bought a goat worth 972 kshs and 50 kilos of maize worth 500 kshs.
pray for me that may do well in my studies. Is there any special prayer
you would like me to pray for you? Bye til next time.
Love, Peter
man, totally jacked me up a little when I read that. Definitely choked
up a little. Pumped that he learned the coolest story ever - Jesus dying
and coming back to life for us.
And then I read the next
part. Crystal and I sent him a little extra $ for a Christmas gift. I
think it was only like $50. We figured he could buy like a soccer ball
and some toys or something. NOPE, he bought a GOAT!
I read that and I just busted out laughing!!! So, I guess we got Peter a
goat & some maize for Christmas. Actually I had some goat &
maize together for a meal when I was in Africa. It's not bad when you're
really hungry. Any of you ever got a goat for Christmas?It's just
really funny to me.
Anyway, reading that letter makes it worth it all right there guys. When I think about there being 30,000 children dying every day
from poverty, disease, and unclean water - it's crazy. But when I
realize that for a little bit of my $ every month, Peter won't have to
worry about it... what's a little bit of extra $? What's $40 a month
going to do for me? 1 extra night out at a restaurant.
But for Peter it guarantees he doesn't become a statistic! It gives him
clean water, food, an education, medical care, etc... And it guarantees
that he gets to be loved by a community of believers near his village
who tell him the greatest stories ever told! His life is absolutely changed because of that money.
So, what do you think is more worth it? The night out at Outback or Peter? Get with it & sponsor a child! Go to right now and make Jesus really happy.
As for me, I'm cool with the bologna sandwich for almost free at my house.