Saturday, January 8, 2011

quotes of the week #31

31st edition. the best quotes for you!

my #1 quote of the week:

“To be neutral in a situation of injustice is to have chosen sides already...” Desmond Tutu, archbishop of South Africa 
"Is the life you’re leading worth the price you’re paying to live it?" - Mike Foster, visionary leader & entrepreneur
[this is a GREAT question for all of us! wow. just read that one again!]

“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” - Mother Teresa

“How you respond to problems is just as important as preventing them.”Chris Brown, pastor

"You would have bet on the Roman Empire against Jesus and His followers, but we name our kids Peter, Paul, and Mary and name our dogs Nero and Caesar." – Jon Gordon, leader
[haha, this one just makes me laugh.]

“We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are. Changing stuff means changing us.” – VP of marketing @ CFA (via Chris Brown at staff meeting)

“The thing that usually gets in the way of what would work best is something that is already working pretty well.” – Reggie Joiner, founder of ReThink
[this is a great & very true statement!!!]

"Life is about making mistakes. And death is about wishing you had made a whole lot more." - Gerard Butler's character in The Bounty Hunter
[i resonate with that for sure. i think we'll all wish we had risked more when we get to the "end".]

"As leaders you can't predict the future. What you can do is DEVELOP your people. Doing so will take care of the future." - Jim Collins, author

"Who needs our love more than the one who is totally devoid of love? = our enemy." – Dietrich Bonhoeffer, author/pastor/martyr

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