definitely the most old school guy i listen to and read, but I keep a

consistent flow of Piper. He's not a communicator like Andy or Louie or anything - way different. He's kind of like my wise old mentor or something... who is ridiculously passionate. i love this guy! he's kind of like my grandpa :) Much love & respect to "Johnny".
he definitely jacked me up & changed my life with his books & passionate communicating at the Passion Conferences back in the day when I was in college. he has a way of igniting passion in me like almost no one else. he's so right on & so passionate about this generation living full on for the fame and renown of Jesus. I'm so thankful for this guy because he wants this generation to be satisfied in Jesus (he says his generation messed my generation up in our thinking - He is spending the rest of his life trying to show us the emptiness of our man-centered, materialistic, "Western" way of life.)
I saw this video last week - just a short clip of his preaching. So passionate.
you diggin' that? subscribe to his podcast for free on iTunes. i think he's definitely the only
baptist i listen to... : ) He just straight up brings it though... every time! Like that really makes you think! Of course he's not against having a BMW, but a gospel that is proven by one or promises one is "crap" - to quote Doc. And what an unbelievable description of what makes Jesus look glorious.
I'll probably write many blogs in the future on how his writing and teaching changed my life & the trajectory of it! He has completely changed the way I look at God, myself, and my passion - missions. I don't know many peeps who are more God-centered in everything they do than Piper.
Big thanks to my mom & dad for buying me my 1st 2 piper books for my b-day 1 year when I

was a poor college student. i devoured them. I highly suggest you do the same! hopefully you've read these 2, but if not BUY AND READ THEM TODAY. In fact, I feel so strongly that they'll change your life -> if you are local, you can borrow my copies.
Get Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist (kind of like his manifesto/masterpiece) HERE.
If that's a little daunting/overwhelming for you start with The Dangerous Duty of Delight which you can get HERE (& you can read it in like an hour). (This is Piper's own shortened version of Desiring God.)
Get Let the Nations be Glad (God's supremacy in mission) HERE.
I'm serious about you borrowing the books from me! Just drop me a comment! If you're not local and can't afford them - then GO HERE! An amazing thing about Piper is that he's not in it for the $ so he runs a "whatever you can afford policy." even if you don't have the dough, order it from his website today!
You'll probably never read this, but thanks Dr. P, for letting God use you to ignite my heart & thousands in my generation for the renown of Jesus! Thanks for going after us. Thanks for teaching us that "Missions exists because worship doesn't" & "God is most GLORIFIED in me when I am most SATISFIED in Him." & so much more. We'll do our best to prove that you haven't "wasted it" on us.

Dude that video was sweet!! It def. reminds me of what should satisfy us, GOD!!
Your best post so far. That video was powerful, even for a guy like me who tries to stifle his emotions...sent chills. Without a doubt Piper had a huge influence on my life's trajectory as well...I like how you put it. I think I may have moved on from him little bit...but definitely feel a high level of gratitude and respect for his ministry.
Great article. Happy to see someone from my generation has influenced you in a positive way. I had one guy tell me Piper is a heretic. Can you believe it? I chalked it up to his immature thinking:-)
Thanks for the comments guys.
Ryan, I'm with ya on the chills... he usually sends chills thru me or makes me wanna shout & pump my fists.
Dennis, lots of peeps from your generation have influenced me in a positive way... including yourself : )
haha, "heretic" seems to get thrown around a little too casually by some folk. yeah, immaturity or something. : )
no other material has revolutionized my christianity like Piper's work. God has used him tremendously in my life. im glad u give him props in your blog.
Piper's passion for Christ (like none others) has birthed in me a deeper passion for Christ through his speaking and books. I hope to one day do as much for the fame of God as he has!
great post and video Patrick. thx for sharing. Piper's sermons and books def. challenge me to think deeper theologically.
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