Friday, December 12, 2008

finished another (& it was awesome)

"A call for extensive change will always seem extreme to those who are comfortable with the status quo. What is considered conventional wisdom to the visionary is often viewed as radical to the people in the trenches. That's to be expected. Visionaries see things differently." - Andy

* "If you are consumed with the tension between what is and what could be, if you find yourself emotionally involved... frustrated... broken-hearted... maybe even angry... about the way things are, and if you believe God is behind your anguish, then chances are you are on the brink of something divine. Something too important to walk away from.
Pay the price.
Embrace the vision.
After all, everybody ends up somewhere in life.
You have the opportunity to end up somewhere on purpose." - Andy

I'm so jacked up now I can't sleep. (the vision is beating in my head & it will never stop!)

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