Tuesday, February 19, 2008


This was a really optimistic & cool answer to the question "what could Christians be known for in 30 years?" (after understanding the ridiculously horrible name Christians currently have in society.)

I would hope people would look at us and say,
"Those Christians are the ones who run in when everyone else is running out.
Those Christians are the ones who didn't give up on the crumbling inner cities.
Those Christians are the ones who brought peace to Darfur.
Those Christians are the ones who put an end to human trafficking.
Those Christians are the ones who helped win the war on AIDS around the world.
Those Christians are the ones who write those incredible lyrics, pen those unforgettable books, and create artwork that's mesmerizing.
Those Christians are the ones who helped my mother when she got Alzheimer's.
Those Christians are the ones who were kind to me when I was new to the area.

Those Christians are the ones that made me want to believe in God."

- Margaret Feinberg, from UnChristian (Dave Kinnnaman & Gabe Lyons)

(fullscale blogs about my takeaways from this great book coming soon...)


Josh Via said...

Good stuff, Patrick. Can't wait to hear all your take-aways.

patrick mitchell said...

thanks for reading bro, i can't wait to flesh out all my take-aways & figure out how to fit them in only a few blogs...
btw - you guys freakin' rocked it out sunday night. you and tasha are awesome!