#1 Quote of the Week!

“If I should die with more than ten pounds, may every man call me a liar and a thief.” – John Wesley (no intro needed... he said this because he felt he would have betrayed the gospel if he hadn't given away his money for the gospel's sake. hmmm... what do you have to say to that?)
“If you’re not a socialist when you’re young you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re old you have no brains.” – Winston Churchill, the famous British Prime Minister... (I guess I resonate with this thought from him. I feel that tension I guess... that either means I'm getting older or my capitalistic culture is causing me to lose my heart. what about you?)

“God’s ways of handling money look weird when things are going up… but really wise right now.” – Dave Ramsey, My $ mentor (talking about the economic times we find ourselves in.)
“I’d rather be governed by a wise Turk than a foolish Christian.” – Martin Luther, the 16th century theologian credited with sparking the Reformation... (*I find this quote VERY timely! I heard so many Christians saying a few months ago that they vote based on only 1 issue (abortion)! Really? They said if they disagreed with someone on EVERY issue but 1 they would still vote for him because of that 1 issue. They said they would vote for "Joe Shmo Christian" who is against abortion over a great leader who was for abortion. I HATE abortion... but this seems like a crazy way of thinking to me. Plus I'm not so sure they would really act on those words if the situation ever arose...)

“Sometimes we speak out to try to change the world, and other times we speak to try to keep the world from changing us.” – Elie Wiesel, holocaust survivor & author (I love it!)
“It is not enough to be biblically sound if we are not spiritually alive at the same time.” – Clark Pinnock (pioneer theologian & author. He expounds on this idea a lot. I can't agree more with him in this area.)
“I will speak ill of no man and speak all the good I know of everybody.” – Benjamin Franklin, founding father. (Man, what if Christians actually adopted this practice? Many of them wouldn't have anything to talk about! James 3 rings a bell.)
“A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats little men.” – Thomas Carlyle, 19th century Scottish satirist (Jesus acted that way.)
"If you really want to make a lasting impact, then you need to eliminate what you do well for the sake of what you can potentially do best." - Reggie Joiner, the father of family ministry. (This is what Ridge's model is all about.)
“Don’t criticize them; they are just what we would be under similar circumstances.” – Abraham Lincoln, former President who ended slavery. (He said to one of his Union generals speaking about their enemies in the Confederate army. Isn't this true of the people we disagree with! Think about this one before you hate on them!)
*So, these last 2 quotes are 2 of my favorites. But I need a little preface. Obviously, I love to read... but I don't just read these guys, they become my MENTORS. I soak up everything they say. I learn from them. It's like I sit on the couch with them and they teach me. I value reading from most of these guys. Recently I've been going through 2 books that are 2 of the best I've ever read. Visioneering by Andy Stanley and Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne. AMAZING. At the start of next week I'll post another quotes of the week exclusively from these 2 books. Be looking for that post! BUT, just to whet your appetite for that post, I leave you with 1 quote from each of them...
"Any vision worth pursuing will demand sacrifice and risk." - Andy Stanley, lead pastor North Point Community Church. (HUGE for me to remember)

“People had taught me what Christians believe, but no one had told me how Christians live...
There were plenty of folks talking about the gospel and writing books about it, but as far as I could tell, living out the gospel had yet to be tried in recent days.” - Shane Claiborne
, author, actor, and founder of the Simple Way community in Phily. (This guy cracks me up & ignites my heart with passion!!! he's so right on with tons of stuff he says... love this quote.)
my favorite: "we gotta change the world." - patrick mitchell
change we can believe in. behind this statement is the biggest heart in the world. i hope this guy never looses this vision.
Those are some awesome quotes, man. Especially the one about being biblically sound and spiritually alive. I can do the first somewhat easily. The second part takes a concerted effort so often....
great quotes as usual. i cant always make it to conferences and i dont have time to read all the books i want to, so your quotes and take-aways are valuable to me. thans for sharing, bro
Patrck - I've recently started reading your blog and I'm lovin' it...
My most recent fav quote comes from a blog that I follow:
"Sometimes I'd like to ask God why he allows poverty, famine and injustice in the world when he could do something about it, but I am afraid he might ask me the same thing"
Wow, that just stopped me in my tracks.
Hey Lisa! that's so ironic - which blog did you read that quote on?
That is from the same book I'll be posting more on soon = Irresistible Revolution (Shane Claiborne) - also the same book that last quote came from. HA, what a coincidence.
(I've actually tried to find that actual comic strip...)
anyway, thanks for reading!
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