Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
what do you care about?
Whoa. This theme runs throughout Scripture. You can pretty much separate righteous people from wicked people based on their relationship to the poor (sounds like a story Jesus told in Matthew 25). Pretty crystal clear. plain and simple.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
crappy day?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
AWAKENING - new book from Louie (+ passion update)

WOW! I really can't think of many things more awesome than that!

Sunday, January 25, 2009
i'm back
So, where have you been, Patrick? Well, I'm glad you asked. The staff fromRidge Church and our wives all went on a retreat together. It was pretty awesome. I'll probably write more about it later, but for now I'll just show you this pic of the view we had from the cabin we all stayed in!
Amazing, huh? This is what I looked at during all our meetings, discussions, meals, when I woke up, etc... Unbelievable.
*And I have to say that I REALLY jacked up Chris and Rusty in Call of Duty 4.
**Also, keep your eyes open for some pics of our Rock Band in action (on Guitar Hero World Tour of course).
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
let it snow baby!
anyone think it will snow in Charlotte again this year?
So, it was cool I got to watch the whole inauguration yesterday... very cool, very historic. I also got to watch Andy pray at the inaugural prayer service this morning. Pretty cool.
no more time today... crazy busy... I'm out.
Monday, January 19, 2009
historic inauguration day

"I am not looking for my Prozac this morning. I am not booking flights to some other country. I am not pouting like the pigs just ate my toy poodle. I’m quite happy this morning. And I’ve got plenty of reasons to be happy in spite of the way the election turned out yesterday. Let me share a few…
1. I’m happy for my African-American friends. Seriously. Thrilled for them. I don’t know of a single black friend of mine who didn’t vote for Obama (though there may be a few, but you don’t have to justify your vote to me or anyone else.) I don’t understand how they could vote for someone who, in many cases, represents values that I know they don’t believe or practice. But I do understand that I don’t understand and can’t understand what the election of an African-American means to them on a deeply personal level. And because I understand that I don’t understand, I’m quite content to be happy that it means something very special to them. I am excited that every person of color now has a legitimate reason to believe that when they grow up, they can aspire to any job in this country and know that it is within their grasp. That is a colossal shift and one that’s long over-due. That makes me happy."
And I agree. This is a big day for our country. I keep thinking that there are a whole bunch of people today who were in their 20s in 1960 and COULD NEVER HAVE EVEN IMAGINED THIS DAY. and now it's reality.
happy b-day MLK

So, in my mind, to think differently of people with a different color skin is the most ridiculous, ignorant, and craziest thing I've ever heard. Crazier than martians and flying pigs.

I mean even the "christian" (and yes, I use the term very loosely) Bob Jones University - peeps who claimed to love Jesus were full on racists. They didn't even admit black students until 1976! what in the world!? But they would expel anyone who even thought interracial dating/marriage was ok. In 1983 they LOST in the Supreme Court case Bob Jones University vs. The United States!!! for real!!!? They lost their tax exempt status (& still don't have it back) but stood firm that their "racial discrimination was what God intended and founded in Scripture." That is SICK. I'm sure God is saying "LEAVE MY NAME OUT OF YOUR EVIL!" (To their meager credit the college lifted the interracial dating policy in 2000 because of intense media pressure and actually issued a public apology about 2 months ago. God can change anyone.)

Friday, January 16, 2009
andy & obama
Thursday, January 15, 2009
funny (to me) church sign

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
way cool (world clock)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
jack freaking bauer.

Sunday, January 11, 2009
what's in my iPod? - jon foreman

You give me the food I need To live through the day
And forgive me as I forgive The people that wronged me
Lead me far from temptation Deliver me from the evil one
I look out the window The birds are composing
Not a note is out of tune Or out of place
I look at the meadow And stare at the flowers
Better dressed than any girl On her wedding day
So why do I worry? Why do I freak out?
God knows what I need You know what I need
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
The kingdom of the heavens Is now advancing
Invade my heart Invade this broken town
The kingdom of the heavens Is buried treasure
Will you sell yourself To buy the one you've found?
Two things you told me - That you are strong
And you love me Yes, you love me
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
Hallowed be Thy name above all names
Your kingdom come Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us today our daily bread
Forgive us weary sinners
Keep us far from our vices
And deliver us from these prisons
Your love is
Your love is strong"

I hate all your show and pretense/ The hypocrisy of your praise
The hypocrisy of your festivals/ I hate all your show
Away with your noisy worship/ Away with your noisy hymns
I stop upq my ears when you’re singing ‘em
I hate all your show
Instead let there be a flood of justice
An endless procession of righteous living, living
Instead let there be a flood of justice/ Instead of a show
Your eyes are closed when you’re praying
You sing right along with the band
You shine up your shoes for services
There’s blood on your hands
You turned your back on the homeless
And the ones that don’t fit in your plan
Quit playing religion games/ There’s blood on your hands
Instead let there be a flood of justice
An endless procession of righteous living, living
Instead let there be a flood of justice/ Instead of a show
I hate all your show
Let’s argue this out/ If your sins are blood red
Let’s argue this out/ You’ll be white as the clouds
Let’s argue this out/ Quit fooling around
Give love to the ones who can’t love at all
Give hope to the ones who got no hope at all
Stand up for the ones who can’t stand at all
I hate all your show/ I hate all your show
I hate all your show/ I hate all your show"
Friday, January 9, 2009
unwritten @ ridge

Thursday, January 8, 2009
RENOWN - the 200th post!
But, it is fun for me to look back over the past year... the 1st year of renown... to see what jumps out at me from the past year of my life. I'll link my favs below, so in case you missed them you can check them out now. I guess this is kind of like "08 in Review":
let me know which of those you were diggin' especially.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
happy 7th

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
do something about it
Because I know like Andy says - "Waiting does not reflect a lack of faith. Usually it is evidence of wisdom." AND