Each year I want to read AT LEAST: 1 book about marriage, 1 book about sex, and 1 book about money. + a lot of books on leadership, personal development, my relationship with God, theology, culture, ministry, social justice, etc...
I want to spread out the books I read into these categories. That's why I list them below in categories. Obviously many of the books overlap into several categories so I just put them in one. (I also try to read a balance of dead authors from different eras.)
*I'm so intentional about the books I read because there are SO MANY books and SO LITTLE time! So I have to be extremely strategic about the books I choose to read. I am committed to only reading the best books for me!
So, I need to narrow this below list down to about 35 books. I would LOVE your suggestions based on this initial list. If a book sucks then you can tell me and save me from wasting my time reading it! If you've read one of these & it's awesome then let me know so I'm sure to include it in my list! Or if a book definitely needs to be on my list that's not, then tell me that too!
Here are the books I'm considering reading this year broken down into categories:
Theology (18)
Believing in the Future
– David J. Bosch
The Mission of God –
Christopher Wright
The Gospel in
Pluralist Society – Leslie Newbigin
A New Kind of Christianity – Brian McLaren (releases in February)
The Gospel of the Kingdom – George Ladd
The Church in Emerging Culture – Edited by Leonard Sweet + Horton, McManus, McLaren, etc…
The Next Christendom: The
Coming of Global Christianity - Philip Jenkins
Listening to the Beliefs of Emerging Churches – Edited by Robert Webber + Kimball, Driscoll, Pagitt, Burke, Ward
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement - Ralph Winter
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement - Ralph Winter
He is There and He is Not Silent - Francis Schaeffer
The Poor Will Be Glad
– Greer & Smith
Mere Christianity – C.S. Lewis
Emerging Churches –
Culture (12)
How Soccer Explains the World: An [Unlikely] Theory of Globalization – Franklin Foer
How Soccer Explains the World: An [Unlikely] Theory of Globalization – Franklin Foer
Justice – Michael Sendel
The God Delusion – Richard Dawkins
Microtrends – Penn
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - J.K. Rowling
The Brothers Karamazov
– Fyodor Dostoevsky
Das Kapital - Karl Marx
A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier - Ishmael Beah
Walk On: U2 - Steve Stockman
Walk On: U2 - Steve Stockman
Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini
Why We Can't Wait - Martin Luther King, Jr.
My Relationship with God (8)
The Jesus Creed – Scot McKnight
Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ - John Piper
Prayer – Kyle Lake
The Imitation of Christ - Thomas A' Kempis
Understanding God’s Will – Kyle Lake
Ragamuffin Gospel – Brennan Manning
What Jesus Demands From the World - John Piper
The Autobiography of George Muller - George Muller
Personal Development (8)
The Revolution: A Field Manual for Changing Your World - HeatherZydek
The Last Lecture – Randy PauschThe Revolution: A Field Manual for Changing Your World - Heather
Brothers We are Not Professionals – John Piper
Blink – Malcolm
7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey
Freakanomics – Levitt & Dubner
The Power of Words and the Wonder of God – Piper, Driscoll, etc…
Mavericks at Work - William Taylor
Money (1) Freakanomics – Levitt & Dubner
The Power of Words and the Wonder of God – Piper, Driscoll, etc…
Mavericks at Work - William Taylor
The Money Answers Book – Dave Ramsey
Leadership/ Ministry Strategy (10)
Outliers – Malcolm
Made to Stick – Chap Heath
Tribes – Seth Godin
Killing Cockroaches - Tony Morgan
Leadership – Rudolph Guiliani
Leadership – Rudolph Guiliani
Worship Evangelism
- Sally Morgenthaler
10 Stupid Things that keep Churches from Growing – Geoff Surrat
(*kindle edition)
Good to Great and the Social Sectors - Jim Collins
Marriage (4)
Love & Respect - Emerson Eggerichs
Love & Respect - Emerson Eggerichs
Now You're Speaking My Language - Gary Chapman
Captivating – John and Stasi Elderidge
Every Man's Marriage - Stephen Arterburn
Sex (4)Sex and the Supremacy of Christ - John Piper
Satisfaction: The Art of... - Kim Cattrall
The Pocket Idiot’s Guide to Kama Sutra – Ron Louis Intended for Pleasure - Ed Wheat
Ok, I would LOVE your feedback & recommendations! I have to narrow this list down from 65 to 35!
Tell me your opinions!
Tell me your opinions!
i vote for killing cockroaches.
I'm looking forward to hopefully reading it in February-March if I'm in your coaching network.
I've heard good things about it. Jeff Henderson recommended it too.
thanks for the comment & vote.
"Mere Christianity" and "The End to Which God Created the World" are awesome books, as are most of Piper's stuff. I'd recommend "Deliver us from Evil" by Ravi Zacharias, if you haven't read it yet. It probably would fit in your culture section. Happy reading!
I just finished The Mission of God. Excellent book that is well worth several reads.
I haven't read Ladd's The Gospel of the Kingdom, but I'm just starting Blessed Hope. I have The Gospel of the Kingdom on my amazon wish list, so I'll be intersted to hear your take.
I'm reading McLaren's The Secret Message of Jesus based on your recommendation.
I've read Piper's What Jesus Demands From the World. A major disappointment.
I would highly recommend the following: (1) The Drama of Scripture, (2) Why Religion Matters, and (3) Creation Regained.
-Matt M
thanks Daniel. Those 2 are definitely staying on my list. Good confirmation to hear that from ya too...
Matt - that's awesome you read The Mission of God! How long did it take? I've been reading it for over 2 years... pick it up again and again. I've read around 200 pages of it. Even wrote a paper on it in seminary. the 1st 200 pages are PIMP! i just hope i can finish it this year!
Ladd will have great stuff to say about the "Blessed Hope". i've never read it but I'm sure it will be rooted in Scripture, not "pop theology" of the last 200 years...
The Gospel of the Kingdom has been on my shelf for years. Kimball, Erre, McLaren, even Newbigin and those guys have given me a pretty good idea of what Ladd says in it. I'm sure it's a great read. I would read that 1 before the Blessed Hope one. just sayin'...
dang. so many people reading Secret Message of Jesus on my recommendation. i hope it doesn't let u down. Brace yourself. go in with an open heart for what we may have missed in Jesus' teachings because of our programmed presuppositions. 5 years ago I wouldn't have been ready for it & would have probably burned it or something... :) i hope you enjoy it.
NT Wright & Mclaren & those guys talk about "The Drama of Scripture". I bet it's awesome. I'm all about getting back to the narrative.
thanks for the other recommendations too. sucks about the Piper book tho. i've never read a disappointing one by him. i can't read enough of him & i've got a whole shelf full though. that one's a thick one so i'll read some shorter ones...
happy reading boys...
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