Crystal & I were in Colonial Williamsburg for a quick (free) mini-vacation. Pretty fun though. Not a place we would go a lot, but we definitely had so much fun this weekend!
We got snowed on big time while walking down their main street (Duke of Gloucester) along with the red coats doing their "Fife and Drum" concert thing. Then ducking into one of the original taverns from the 18th century where George Washington and those guys hung out! Crystal was SO excited about all the snow. Really huge flakes all night long.

Great food there too. Here's Crystal going after a 7 layer chocolate cake from Trellis (some famous chocolate chef or something?).
Anyway, I had a lot of stuff I wanted to write about this week, but couldn't because of the lack of internet. Soon I'll be posting an Advent Conspiracy update, my top 10 reads of 2009, my top 10 albums that came out in '09, all the books I read in '09, my 2010 book/read list, a NOW Project update, and some funny videos from our Ridge xmas party...
that's just the stuff I was going to post this week. I'll have to figure out how to work it all in...
*Hopefully by the end of the day tomorrow I'll have a review ("What's in my iPod") of the new live CD from North Point = Awake
enjoy your last Sunday before Christmas tomorrow!
Bro hurry up with ur list of must reads!!!! Via " my top 10 reads of 2009, my top 10 albums that came out in '09, all the books I read in '09, my 2010 book/read list"
Williamsburg?! As in, like, 30 mins from Virginia Beach, Williamsburg?!
i got nothing to say...
caleb - some of that is coming this week...
KRIS - c'mon man, don't hate. I'M SORRY bro... what more can i say. honestly i thought about you. i said "i wonder how far va beach is from here? i wonder how far away kris lives?"
it was such a quick trip though dude. next time i'll know that you're willing to drive down to williamsburg to meet up with us :)
haha. its all good, bro. glad you guys enjoyed your time up here. i look forward to getting up again sometime. for now, ill settle for enjoying your blog.
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